Student groups and individual students alike can apply for funding for their projects through the student body. Projects may include lectures, readings, concerts and gigs, trips, etc. The amount of financial funding is decided by the budget committee of the student parliament. You can find further information about this department at
Notice: For bigger projects with increased planning effort, such as events lasting several days or lecture series, it may be worthwhile to create a project position at AStA. You can find more information on this subject here.
You explain your project in an application that you direct to the budget committee. The aim of the application is to describe the concept of your project in extensive detail for the members of the budget committee. The information that need to be included in the application has been summed up here by the committee. For legal reasons, only projects that are directed at the general target group of students at Münster University qualify for financial funding.
This claim needs to become clear in the application!
The budget committee meets up on a regular basis. You can find the individual dates on their homepage or upon request. Your application should be handed in eight days before their next meeting. You will then be invited to this meeting to present your project and answer questions. If the funding you are applying for is under €1,000, the budget committee decides about your application; the student parliament needs to approve their decision regarding higher amounts.
After the event, you hand in the relevant (original!) receipts and other supporting documents (e.g. posters or Facebook events) and receive a reimbursement. For this purpose, please use the form we are providing here.
For questions concerning the application process, the budget committee can help you; for questions concerning the reimbursement, the financial department. Both departments are more than happy to help you.