Project Student Garden

occupied by Maya Braun and Tobias Ibald

What is the concept of the Student Garden?

Strictly speaking, we are talking about three flowerbeds at the Institute for Pharmacy where it is possible to grow vegetables and herbs for your own consumption. We meet up once a week in the garden to sow, fertilize, shovel, build fences, weed, harvest,… just get everything done that needs our attention. We guarantee a lot of fun and the sentiment to be closer to nature. A really nice and relaxing compensation for all the time spent sitting at a desk!

If you want to drop by, please briefly notify us in advance at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will then let you know the date of the next meeting.

Everyone is welcome, with or without any garden expertise – it really does not matter!
The project leaders themselves are no experts either and experiment in the garden for the first time as well. But with the group’s knowledge and expertise, a lot of greens could already be harvested and cooked! Your ideas and contributions are always welcome: The garden is a collective project and everyone can help shape it.

Where exactly? The beds are located at the Institute for Pharmacy at Hittorfstraße 56, behind the castle at the pharmaceutical garden. We are hoping to have peaked your interest to come and see yourself!