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occupied by Shari Langner (CampusGrün) and Gabriel Dutilleux (Juso-Hochschulgruppe)
Which duties fall under your responsibility?
We represent the interests of the student body to the public – at university, but also in politics and towards the press. Naturally, our responsibilities do not only include the students’ interests. They also involve university networking and i.e. consulting with the senate and the faculty council conference. Additionally, we discuss legal questions and personnel matters.
How does a typical working week look like for you?
In addition to the preparations for the AStA conference, where we decide about applications concerning financial funding for projects and the individual departments exchange their ideas, we have various other duties. These include i.e. our participation in several university committees to represent students’ interests. We also support the individual departments with their work and coordinate AStA itself.
What are your political foci?
This legislation’s focus lies on the amendment of the Higher Education Act. The state government (CDU and FDP) plans immense cuts to the students’ independency. With our “Lasst mich doch denken” (“Let me think”) campaign, we try to make students aware of these changes. Furthermore, our priorities at AStA are set to evaluate our current internal structures and amend them, if necessary.
Monday | By appointment |
Tuesday | By appointment |
Wednesday | By appointment |
Thursday | By appointment |
Friday | By appointment |