+49 251 83 22286
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Student Representatives’ Department

occupied by Nicolas Stursberg, Lena Kastner, Moritz Flottmann and Jan-Hendrik Seelow

The autonomous Student Representatives’ Department functions as the interface between faculty councils, AStA and Münster University. The department represents all concerns of the (by now 49) student representatives’ councils, exactly like the councils represent their students’ interests from their respective departments / institutes. The department’s student advisors in charge are directly elected by the faculty councils, appointed by AStA’s chairpersons and approved by the student parliament. Their duties include: Coordinating the faculty councils, leading, preparing and evaluating as a follow-up the councils’ conference, providing information regarding university political issues, and other tasks concerning the student body. We also act as contact persons for everyone having questions regarding the faculty councils. Students who want to actively participate (and bring in new ideas) are especially welcome in our office and we will definitely find a comfortable seat on our sofa for you.

Visiting Times
Monday 6pm - 8pm
Tuesday By appointment
Wednesday By appointment
Thursday By appointment
Friday By appointment 
During the semester break By appointment